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China has to change their stands a lot to make friends with Bharat. Jayshankar is not going to be convinced easily. Nor NM. We do not have Chacha in power now. China kept the border issue hot to have a leverage on Bharat. We tried our level best to talk and resolve and they did not for decades. In the meanwhle they have billions of $ trade surplus with us year after year.
Now also they want to play the same game and get over the present situation.
Once that is settled in their favour they will be back to their old games.
Sun Tsu strategy: When strong, appear weak.
China is generally a very strong country. Openly says they will trade with Russia, everybody with takleef can go jump off a cliff.
Their call with Biden was very different to their meeting with Jaishankar.
Told Australia/New Zealand they will gouge their eyes out (Five Eyes reference), when those countries pushed for a COVID origin investigation.
We are very lucky to have ModiADoval+ Rajnath Singh + Jaishankar.
India and perhaps Russia are the only countries China has learned to behave with, the hard way.
Too bad that the Xit hasn’t learned the art of win-win compromises. Thinks he is Hillary.
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