Monday, August 4, 2014

Indiscreet thoughts on democracy?

Why suddenly life becomes so strange that whatever happening around (what you see, what you read on newspapers, what you see on national TV channels, what you read everywhere) look so weird that you lose interest in anything in life? What makes us so desperate to leave the scene abruptly with no involvement per se?

Just looking back and rehearse what you read, saw, learnt or went around or thought that you are (blessed with this or that); (not blessed with this or that); right from the weird thought that “(I should have gone this path instead of what I chose originally)” “What life taught me originally as if this is upright and appropriate and what it turned out to be end of the day?”

Just look around you and analyze the various societal events and happenings in all the areas or faculties of social life be it spirituality, political scene, the order of the day at the political governance or political administration, the order of the day at the corporate or social setup in the country or for that matter the whole world (for the sake of debate), everything looks weird and contradicting as to what it appears realistically contrary to what it projects to be a ‘purported’ way of a setup.

For 67 years you have been part of a society or a country where you are told ‘this is your country, this is your society, this is your patriarch, this is your history, this is the freedom struggle story and these were the individuals who have jointly or severally gave their soul leading to the state of affairs of the country (as to what you see today!!).

For several decades, you are told so and so struggled a lot; so and so was part of a big movement who collectively gave their blood and toil to get you the ‘so called freedom and liberty or independence’ from colonial rulers of the past.

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