Is Covid19 a myth? Someone in next 6 months going to authentically prove entire Covid19 saga is a falacy. Wait and see.
About falacy of Covid19, I am unable to explain what I think. Let me try.
Initial stages Jan/Feb 2020, there was a pertinent belief as if some Pharma company is trying to play games to promote their product for a new medicine or vaccin. On the go, sale of ventilators and other clinical tools (sanitizer, masks in various qualities and price range), - vehement marketing in that angle also.
Ventilators are very very expensive to produce and find a customer, though it's a life-saving equipment for a patient who is terminally ill, not every hospital would have it. Small, medium hospitals and clinics and nursing homes, may not have it at all. Only large hospitals can afford to buy, in order to generate revenue, they need such ill-fated patients group to service them for a profitable utility (Return on Investment).
That way, ventilators manufacturers ploy was seen or felt in a segment of analysis. But, now after almost 6-7 months into the pandemic, recovery rate is high, mortality rate is low across the board, herd-community at large lately - community spread I mean- considering all these, indirectly private hospitals found a revenue model to accommodate Covid19 patients rather than regular critical patients
State govts too wanted to exploit it as a cash-cow to generate revenue for local govt and/or middlemen as CG is giving nearly 84K or more as subsidy relief from central funding to States for each positive patient. Not all can be taken into Govt facilities, so it's a win win to divert at least 50% to private players legally or illegally, so as to make money - it's a win win for private hospitals and middlemen, govt in the process generating money for State different story. Who cares?
That way, I see it's a bonanza for hospitals, indirectly to Pharma companies as other criticla illness patients could be included somehow into this category so as to show some statistics.
Something is indeed fishy and missing in the entire saga, where analyticallly we need to prove the point who is the culprit. Public or common man at large is the unsolicited victim as his day2day life is shattered. How long people can stay IN, without making their regular livelihood - bread and butter is important for nearly 40% of population na? Connect the DOTs please !! I wish I am proved wrong, My 2 cents.
(For obvious reasons, I cannot share this in public, so it comes to select friends in private).
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