Just read this in my circle below article and shared it across in another close-nit group.
//A Seattle area sixth grade school teacher asked his students to name a person they admired and the reason for their admiration. A 10 year old student named Trump. The teacher kicked him out of the virtual classroom and berated him for his choice. He went on to call Trump divisive and hateful.
Too bad for the teacher, the student's mother recorded the entire interaction. Now, the teacher is claiming that he wanted the students to name a computer programmer they admire! The mother disagrees that was the ask. Even if it was, all the teacher should've done is to tell the student to name a programmer. It was inappropriate for him to have abused Trump.
This is yet another example of the intolerance and totalitarianism which has come to characterize the left. Leftist ideologues have no scruples and even bully 10 year old children. Trump is a duly elected POTUS and hence deserves to be respected for the office he holds. A teacher has no business to poison the minds of impressionable children with ideological hate. He has no right to bully a child. This teacher deserves to be fired. I hope the conservatives stand their ground and do not yield until he is fired.
This is not an isolated example. I was camping over the weekend with a friend in the Redwoods State and National Parks. He has a nine year old daughter. Her teacher gave an assignment asking students to make a presentation on Breonna Taylor. The teacher had portrayed Taylor as a martyr and cops as evil. The kid is super intelligent. She researched on the subject on her own without her parents' knowledge. She found out that Taylor was probably associated with the murder of another drug dealer and that she was connected to drug cartels.
So, when she submitted the assignment, she began her response by narrating how the police and first responders had saved her grandfather when he met with a road accident in America. She stated that the police are doing an important job and that she thought they were nice folks. She pointed out that the school has signs which read "Say no to drugs!" If so, how could anyone admire Taylor who was associated with drugs?
The teacher berated the child for the views she expressed. She refused to grade the assignment paper. Even worse, she asked the child if her parents fed her racist views. The child was not given an opportunity to respond. The teacher went on to pontificate that the child should educate her parents and make them give up racist views! All of this without even knowing who the parents are.
My friend was quiet alarmed. He and his wife spoke to a number of Indian and Chinese parents and learnt that their children have been subject to similar bullying by a few other leftist teachers as well. Fortunately, many Indian and Chinese parents have recorded the virtual classrooms where the leftist teachers had been displaying intolerance and spreading hatred. This is something we should never tolerate. A school is a place where a child receives education. A child is not raw material to be used for a woke revolution. We must make every attempt to sue these teachers and schools and have them fired.//
A learned friend of mine responded right away thus: Consider changing your circle ЁЯЩВ ЁЯЩВ
Here goes the extended debate for the day!! It was somewhat interesting, so I thought of saving the crux of it for my future reference.
Him: Watch "Social Dilemma" a Netflix documentary on how who are all wasting their time/life in Social Media are used as commodities. If you value your life/time/mental health, leave and signout of FaceBook/Twitter/Insta....
Me: No way to change circle at this age. If the world is unwilling to change towards right path (not the right side passage), why would I change?
Him: Guess others will ask the same ЁЯЩВAnd then we all are going to keep getting the same message we want to read...truth becomes a casualty
Me: Quitting all these medium by individuals would it help change these leftists change their ugly work on the ground?
Isn't it giving them license openly in a golden plate, until now they took it on silver spoon on their own, by fooling around masses?
Him: every individual makes a society
Me: If individual making a society, why do you advocate him/her to quit any medium? Aren't you depriving him the truth? So called bitter truth. In the end they all die.
Him: The left is going to talk the same stuff and the right is going to talk the same stuff....again and again and over and over, ad nauseum
Me: Everyone including the other side considers them to be correct
Him: What is the the truth is where two sides are fighting - vithandaa vaadham.... Don't we have better things to do in life?
Me: By asking g him/her to quit, you isolate him/her. And, they do all mischief and later you come forward and claim 'hey, you guys were fooled, you all have been I'll informed or misinformed, wake up man, wake up' What nonsense it is?
Him: Majority of folks here are "brahmin" boys - the group that was supposed to preserve/propogate veda and stuff. Do we even know Sanskrit? Are we not better off spending our time in pursuit of eternal truth rather than the relative
I ain't asking no one to quit - I am asking what one gains from all this
Me: If this is vithanda vaatham, why one would go for searching for truth in the first place?
Him: Searching for truth? in what? politics? the cesspool of low lifes
Me: Technically, that would imply there is no place for truth, else, no truth at all
Him: What truth do you want search is important. The place where truth is, is called vedam. Pursue that. How about that, for a start?
Me: Everything under sun including bhagwan, religions, spirituality, what not on earth, all are bull shit, sheer bull shit, isn't it?
Him: even in transactional world of politics, truth is relative. Have we not seen that? Everyone says what I know is the truth....
Him : No, That naasthika vaadham has not held up to scrutiny. There is one truth and only truth...pursuit of that is what wise people do. Rest all are like vEdikkai manithar of bhArathi - thEdi chOru thinRu kind
Me: Nasthigam I don't want to imply here, in context, yet, it so occurred as if implied or unsolicited.. But Sanatanic debate culture includes nasthiga vadham either pervasively, invasively or non invasively, everyone end of the day trying to look for truth, if at all there is any.everyone end of day says this ро╡ிрог்роЯро╡ро░் роХрог்роЯிро▓ро░், роХрог்роЯро╡ро░் ро╡ிрог்роЯிро▓ро░். рокோройро╡рой் родிро░ுроо்рок ро╡рои்родு роЗродு роЗрок்рокроЯிрод்родாрой் роЪொрой்ройродிро▓்ро▓ை. роЪொрой்ройро╡рой் роЗроЩ்роХே родொроЯро░்рои்родு роЬீро╡ிрод்родு роЗро░ுрои்родродுрооிро▓்ро▓ை.
рокூро░рогрооிро▓்ро▓ாрод, рокூро░்рогрод்родை родேроЯி роиிрод்родிропрооிро▓்ро▓ாрод роЕроиிрод்ропрод்родை родேроЯி роУроЯுроХிро▒ாрой், роУроЯுроо் рокாродைропிро▓் роХро▒்роХро│ுроо் рооுроЯ்роХро│ுрооே роЗрои்род ро▓ௌроХீроХроо் роОройுроо் рооாропா. That's all.
Him: So what? Does that mean continued pursuit of useless things? Existence of nAsthikam in hindu dharma does not validate that. There are many yukthis to show what to pursue and what not to pursue.
Me: Going back to objective of this group, never anything was defined as if to or not to debate anything. On the go, we disallowed politics, understood, yet by virtue, discussion revolves around politics, as directly indirectly domestic or non domestic politics impacts us, discreetly, whether we like it not.
Him: I defend the right for anyone to write anything anyone wants to write anywhere. We can always ignore. My limited point was how tech companies are manipulating the masses.
Him (continues): Social Dilemma is a documentary worth seeing. I often ask myself whether I want to be part of this trolling culture or aspire for a better/civil society. The choice is ours.
Me: ро▓ௌроХீроХрод்родை родொро▓ைрод்родு роЙродро▒ிро╡ிроЯ்роЯுроЪ் роЪெро▓்ро▓ роироо்рооிро▓் ропாро░ுроХ்роХுрооே роЕро╡роЪிропрооோ родேро╡ைропோ роПро▒்рокроЯро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை. Materialistic pursuits would keep bothering us ALL until we quit this birth. So anything that bothers us or has potential impact for our next gen we need to comprehend, debate and analyze it. If you say NO, I quit this session for now (this moment), quitting the medium, need to think further.
Him: You should speak for yourself... there might be mumukshus here ЁЯЩВ, You are right, satsangatvE nissangatvam.... I don't like FB/Twitter/Insta and never signed up for them, even though I am a techie
Me: I hate TW (Twitter). I am active in FB only. Recently signed up in TW and using it rarely to escalate reaching out to govt. Insta is not my cup of tea. I did not yet understand nuances of TW as I knew of FB. Today read something g about TW someone's bitter experience, I think I would quit what I am up to..
Him: In "Social Dilemma", they show how these big tech companies target you and send articles etc based on your browsing preferences
They have algorithms to keep you hooked to their posts. Now, what happens is, you get curated, polarized views on topics. This is why big tech was investigated and Mark Z of FB appeared in front of Senate and House panels. They manipulate the masses and more controversy there is, more money they make.
Me: Which one to believe n which one nit to believed is still a confusion based on so many theories
Me: What common men like us can do in our very own spiritual way 'Utter 1008 Sahasra Gayathri for world peace' 1008 Rama Rama, Siva Siva, Narayana Narayana daily 3 times, 30 days in a cycle , repleat it 12 times in a year and practice and repeat that for rest of our life. {ThesHim: e are my conclusive remark exactly 36 hours ago, with a learned elderly person, whom I rever the most, when discussing (sort of sharing ideas on what's happening in healthcare sector)
Him: Sounds like a plan...at least for those of you who have retired and/or retiring soon
That's the point, Siva. Where is the truth? How do we know that? Or are we going to believe based on what we already know which may be incorrect.
Me: I am already into activation mode to have it as a plan, day by day adding more in my pursuits as a committed task. Way to go to sustain and endure it, and, Ensure to practice it too.
Him: Some of the questions one may want to ask oneself are: Pursuit of what truth? Who are we trying to convince? Is that worth our time? What really is the purpose behind all this ..
We are not even able to influence our kids ЁЯЩВ
Me: We are already influenced by them a bit.
Him: Why do we end up with bloated opinion of ourselves as though we are influencing some people.
I am telling you....barring the sheeps who will listen and consume just about anything dished out to them, others are all set in their ways and opinions
Me: If one wants peace of mind, 1008 is the only remedy for now. 1008 what? Choice is ours.
Him: Then that's what it should be, right?
Me: It will, At least, we realize our priorities
Him: Well, one can ask this one question - if this is your last week of existence, is this how you want to spend? Parikshit had one week and he opted to listen to bhAgavatham from suka
The second question is - what makes you think that this is not your last week of existence
How about asking these two questions each morning ЁЯЩВ
роТро░ுро╡ро░ை ропொро░ுро╡ро░் родேро▒ி ропро▒ிроХிро▓ро░் роородро╡ி роЪாро░ро░்
роТро░ுроХுрог ро╡ро┤ிропு ро▒ாрод ...... рокொро▒ிропாро│ро░்
роЙроЯро▓родு роЪродрооெ ройாроЯி роХро│ро╡ுрокொроп் роХொро▓ைроХ ро│ாроЯி
роЙро▒роироо ройро░роХிро▓் ро╡ீро┤்ро╡ ...... ро░родுрокோроп்рокிрой்
ро╡ро░ுрооொро░ு ро╡роЯிро╡ рооேро╡ி ропிро░ுро╡ிройை роХроЯро▓ு ро│ாроЯி
рооро▒ைро╡ро░ி ройройைроп роХோро▓ ...... роородுро╡ாроХ...
роород ро╡ிроЪாро░ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХே роЗрок்роЯிройா... роород்род ро╡ிроЪாро░ро░்роХро│ை рокро▒்ро▒ி роЪொро▓்ро▓ро╡ுроо் ро╡ேрогுрооா?
(apparently he quotes from родிро░ுрок்рокுроХро┤்)
Him: Or if you like bhaja gOvindham....
dinayAminyau sAyaM prAtaH
shishiravasa.Ntau punarAyAtaH |
kAlaH krIDati gachChatyAyuH
tadapi na mu.NchatyAshAvAyuH ||
роОрог்рогро░ிроп рокிро▒ро╡ிродройிро▓் рооாройிроЯрок் рокிро▒ро╡ிродாрой்
ропாродிро▓ுроо் роЕро░ிродро░ிродுроХாрог்...
роЗрок்рокிро▒ро╡ி родрок்рокிройாро▓் роОрок்рокிро▒ро╡ி ро╡ாроп்роХ்роХுрооோ роПродு ро╡ро░ுрооோ ? .... родாропுрооாройро╡ро░்
.роЕрой்ройை роОрод்родройை роОрод்родройை роЕрой்ройைропோ
роЕрок்рокрой் роОрод்родройை роОрод்родройை роЕрок்рокройோ
рокிрой்ройை роОрод்родройை роОрод்родройை рокெрог்роЯிро░ோ
рокிро│்ро│ை роОрод்родройை роОрод்родройை рокிро│்ро│ைропோ
рооுрой்ройை роОрод்родройை роОрод்родройை роЪрой்роорооோ
рооூроЯройாроп் роЕроЯிропேройுроо் роЕро▒ிрои்родிро▓ேрой்
роЗрой்ройроо் роОрод்родройை роОрод்родройை роЪрой்роорооோ
роОрой்роЪெроп்ро╡ேрой்роХроЪ்роЪி роПроХроо்рок роиாродройே....
We concluded thus to call it a day !! Way to go !!
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