Sunday, August 4, 2024

Europe Situation

Europe Situation Deep State players are playing exactly as per the play book explained in a post that was shared by me in mid 2022 . Ukraine war was started not only to bleed Russian economy but also mainly to destroy the economy of european countries who are the allies of USA and members of EU and NATO Mission accomplished with reference to europe but wrt Russia, only partially successful - locked Russia within europe. But russian economy boomed despite the war. By forcing the european govts , Canada and USA govts to allow large scale illegal immigrants , three agendas are fullfilled. Short term To get very cheap male labour when the population of the west is going down drastically. Also to get large nos of displaced children for the personal use of the western elites and finally sacrificing them in satanic worships. Mid Term To use these illegal immigrants to change the local demography , give them voting rights and use them to do anything regime change in any country or state. Long term To use them as slave army and create unrest / civil wars where ever and when ever wanted to establish their Single Global govt agenda. Finally instigate the local Cs to come to the streets and recreate Cross wars between Ms and Cs and eliminate the Ms for ever using WW3. It is really very sad that we are not able to do anything to prevent this situation. #KannanRamasamy

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